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Welcome to the repository of developer reference material and samples to get started with integrating the GridBase!

Getting Started

To begin, contact your account representative to acquire an account and login credentials. Once you have signed-in for the first time, you will need to click the Settings menu at the top of the screen, and work with your account representative to configure integration credentials and complete any additional on-boarding steps to configure integrations for your organization.

Once initial onboarding is complete, you may then click the Developers menu at the top of the screen, where you will be presented with additional developer API documentation.

Authentication with the GridBase API

To use the GridBase API, begin by signing-in to the portal. Then click on the Developer tab at the top, click Tokens on the left, and click the icon to copy the access token.

access token

Place this token in the bearer token haeder in your tool of choice (such as Postman) or implementation/code for all subsequent calls you make to the GridBase API.

Developer Guides and Samples