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Fees API Documentation

This README file describes several API endpoints for the Fees API. The document provides detailed information on the required fields for each endpoint, including validation rules.

Request Quote


POST /v1/orders/fees/quote/request

Required fields and validation

Field NameField DescriptionData TypeValidation
IntegrationIdIntegration IDstringRequired
EstimatedClosingDateEstimated closing dateDateTimeOptional
DocumentTypesList of document typesarray of stringsRequired
MortgageMortgage detailsobjectRequired
PropertyProperty address and detailsobjectRequired
CustomizationsFee customizationsobjectRequired
QuestionsList of fee questionsarray of objectsOptional
TitleAgentTitle agent detailsobjectRequired
TransactionTypeTransaction typestringRequired
RecordingOfficeIdRecording office IDstringOptional
RecordingOfficeRecording office namestringOptional

Request body example

"IntegrationId": "string",
"EstimatedClosingDate": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"DocumentTypes": ["Amendment", "Assignment"],
"Mortgage": {
"Pages": 0,
"NewDebtAmount": 0,
"OriginalAmount": 0,
"UnpaidBalance": 0
"Property": {
"FullAddress": "string",
"CityDesc": "string",
"CountyDesc": "string",
"Direction": "string",
"IsPropertyAddress": true,
"LandAcreage": "string",
"LegalDescription": "string",
"Number": "string",
"StateId": "string",
"Street": "string",
"StreetLine2": "string",
"StreetName": "string",
"Suffix": "string",
"Unit": "string",
"Zip": "string",
"Parcel": "string",
"Parcel2": "string",
"Parcel3": "string",
"Parcel4": "string",
"Lot": "string",
"Block": "string",
"Subdivision": "string",
"Fips": 0
"Customizations": {
"Assignment": {
"Pages": 0,
"Amount": 0
"Deed": {
"Pages": 0,
"Amount": 0
"Release": {
"Pages": 0,
"Amount": 0
"Subordination": {
"Pages": 0,
"Amount": 0
"PowerOfAttorney": {
"Pages": 0,
"Amount": 0
"Questions": [
"Id": "string",
"Answer": "string",
"QuestionType": "Number"
"TitleAgent": {
"FinancingType": "Sale",
"PolicyType": "New",
"LoanType": "string",
"LoanAmount": 0,
"PurchaseAmount": 0,
"PriorPolicyAmount": 0,
"YearsSinceLastPolicy": 0
"TransactionType": "Purchase",
"RecordingOfficeId": "string",
"RecordingOffice": "string"

Response example

"ReportId": "string",
"Property": {
"FullAddress": "string",
"CityDesc": "string",
"CountyDesc": "string",
"Direction": "string",
"IsPropertyAddress": true,
"LandAcreage": "string",
"LegalDescription": "string",
"Number": "string",
"StateId": "string",
"Street": "string",
"StreetLine2": "string",
"StreetName": "string",
"Suffix": "string",
"Unit": "string",
"Zip": "string",
"Parcel": "string",
"Parcel2": "string",
"Parcel3": "string",
"Parcel4": "string",
"Lot": "string",
"Block": "string",
"Subdivision": "string",
"Fips": 0
"Status": "Pending",
"CreatedDate": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Get Quote


GET /v1/orders/fees/quote/{orderId}

Required fields and validation

Field NameField DescriptionData TypeValidation
orderIdThe identifier of the orderstringRequired

Response example

"Succeeded": true,
"Value": {
"ReportId": "string",
"Property": {
"FullAddress": "string",
"CityDesc": "string",
"CountyDesc": "string",
"Direction": "string",
"IsPropertyAddress": true,
"LandAcreage": "string",
"LegalDescription": "string",
"Number": "string",
"StateId": "string",
"Street": "string",
"StreetLine2": "string",
"StreetName": "string",
"Suffix": "string",
"Unit": "string",
"Zip": "string",
"Parcel": "string",
"Parcel2": "string",
"Parcel3": "string",
"Parcel4": "string",
"Lot": "string",
"Block": "string",
"Subdivision": "string",
"Fips": 0
"Status": "Pending",
"CreatedDate": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"Message": null

Get Endorsements


GET /v1/orders/fees/quote/{orderId}/endorsements

Required fields and validation

Field NameField DescriptionData TypeValidation
orderIdThe identifier of the orderstringRequired

Response example

"Succeeded": true,
"Value": {
"Endorsements": [
"Code": "string",
"Description": "string",
"Amount": 0,
"Selected": true
"IntegrationId": "string"
"Message": null

Get States


GET /v1/orders/fees/quote/states/{integrationId}

Required fields and validation

Field NameField DescriptionData TypeValidation
integrationIdIntegration IDstringRequired

Response example

"Abbreviation": "string",
"Links": [
"Href": "string",
"Rel": "string",
"Method": "string"

Get Questions


POST /v1/orders/fees/quote/questions

Required fields and validation

Field NameField DescriptionData TypeValidation
StateAbbreviationState abbreviationstringRequired
DocumentTypesList of document typesarray of stringsRequired
RecordingOfficeIdRecording office IDstringRequired
IntegrationIdIntegration IDstringOptional

Request body example

"StateAbbreviation": "string",
"DocumentTypes": ["Amendment", "Assignment"],
"RecordingOfficeId": "string",
"IntegrationId": "string"

Response example

"Id": "string",
"Description": "string",
"Answer": "string",
"QuestionType": "Number"


POST /v1/orders/fees/quote/search

Required fields and validation

Field NameField DescriptionData TypeValidation
IntegrationIdIntegration IDstringRequired
AddressAddress to searchstringOptional
PaginationPagination detailsobjectRequired

Request body example

"IntegrationId": "string",
"Address": "string",
"Pagination": {
"PageNo": 1,
"PageSize": 20,
"SortBy": "string",
"IsSortAsc": true

Response example

"Count": 1,
"Quotes": [
"GridBaseOrderId": "string",

FullAddress": "string",
"Street": "string",
"City": "string",
"State": "string",
"Zip": "string",
"CreatedBy": "string",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreatedDate": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"ClosingDate": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"


POST /v1/orders/fees/quote/search/advanced

Required fields and validation

Field NameField DescriptionData TypeValidation
IntegrationIdIntegration IDstringRequired
DatesDate range search criteriaobjectOptional
PropertyAddressProperty address search criteriaobjectOptional
PaginationPagination detailsobjectRequired

Request body example

"IntegrationId": "string",
"Dates": {
"CreatedDateFrom": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"CreatedDateTo": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"ClosingDateFrom": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"ClosingDateTo": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"PropertyAddress": {
"City": "string",
"County": "string",
"StateId": "string",
"Street": "string",
"Zip": "string"
"Pagination": {
"PageNo": 1,
"PageSize": 20,
"SortBy": "string",
"IsSortAsc": true

Response example

"Count": 1,
"Quotes": [
"GridBaseOrderId": "string",
"FullAddress": "string",
"Street": "string",
"City": "string",
"State": "string",
"Zip": "string",
"CreatedBy": "string",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreatedDate": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"ClosingDate": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Complete Quote


POST /v1/orders/fees/quote/complete

Required fields and validation

Field NameField DescriptionData TypeValidation
OrderIdOrder IDstringRequired
EndorsementsList of endorsementsarray of objectsOptional

Request body example

"OrderId": "string",
"Endorsements": [
"EndorsementId": "string",
"Selected": true

Response example

"Succeeded": true,
"Message": null

Get Recording Offices


POST /v1/orders/fees/quote/recording-offices

Required fields and validation

Field NameField DescriptionData TypeValidation
StateAbbreviationState abbreviationstringRequired
CountyFipsCounty FIPS codestringRequired
IntegrationIdIntegration IDstringOptional

Request body example

"StateAbbreviation": "string",
"CountyFips": "string",
"IntegrationId": "string"

Response example

"Id": "string",
"Name": "string",
"State": "string",
"County": "string",
"Fips": "string",
"Questions": [
"Id": "string",
"Description": "string",
"Answer": "string",
"QuestionType": "Number"
"OfficeDetail": {
"Detail": "string"
"Links": [
"Href": "string",
"Rel": "string",
"Method": "string"



Represents the financing type for fees.

SaleThe sale
RefinanceThe refinance


Represents the policy type for fees.

NewThe new
ReissueThe reissue
SimultaneousThe simultaneous


Represents the document type for fees.

NoneThe none
AmendmentThe amendment
AssignmentThe assignment
DeedThe deed
ModificationThe modification
MortgageThe mortgage
PowerOfAttorneyThe power of attorney
RefinanceThe refinance
ReleaseThe release
SubordinationThe subordination


Represents the transaction type for fees.

PurchaseThe purchase
RefinanceThe refinance
ModificationThe modification